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The Ultimate Guide to Storing and Handling Raw Dog Food: Keeping Your Pet Safe and Healthy

Happy dog looking healthy outside on a walk

Feeding your furry friend a raw food diet offers a plethora of benefits, from improved digestion and a healthier skin and coat to increased energy levels. However, the key to maximizing these benefits lies in the proper handling and storage of raw dog food. In this post, we’ll delve into some crucial tips for ensuring the safe and hygienic storage and handling of raw dog food.

1. Refrigerate or Freeze Raw Dog Food

Why it’s important: Raw dog food needs to be stored at the right temperature to maintain its freshness and safety.


  • Refrigeration: Store raw dog food at temperatures below 40 degrees Celsius.

  • Freezing: If the food won’t be used within a few days, it’s advisable to freeze it. Use freezer-safe containers or bags and don’t forget to label them with the date to keep track of the storage duration.

2. Clean All Surfaces and Utensils

Why it’s important: Prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and ensure the cleanliness of the food and the surfaces it comes into contact with.


  • Hand Hygiene: Wash your hands with soap and hot water before and after handling raw dog food.

  • Utensils: Use separate cutting boards and utensils exclusively for raw dog food to prevent cross-contamination.

3. Thaw Raw Dog Food Safely

Why it’s important: Improper thawing can lead to bacterial growth, posing health risks to your pet.


  • Refrigerator Thawing: Always thaw the food in the refrigerator.

  • Cold Water Thawing: Alternatively, thaw the food in a bowl of cold water.

  • Avoid Hot Water and Microwave: Never use hot water or the microwave to thaw raw dog food as it can partially cook the food and create dangerous hot spots.

4. Don’t Refreeze Thawed Raw Dog Food

Why it’s important: Refreezing thawed raw dog food can promote bacterial growth, rendering the food unsafe for consumption.

Tips: Always use thawed raw dog food within a few days and avoid refreezing.

5. Discard Uneaten Raw Dog Food

Why it’s important: Prevent bacterial growth and ensure your pet consumes fresh and safe food.


  • Portion Control: Serve your dog only what they can eat in one sitting to avoid waste.

  • Discard Leftovers: If your dog doesn’t finish the food, discard any uneaten portions to prevent bacterial growth.

By adhering to these tips for storing and handling raw dog food, you can ensure the safety and health of both yourself and your beloved pet. If you have further questions about feeding your dog a raw food diet or wish to explore our range of raw dog food products, don’t hesitate to contact us.

At Pats Pet Store, we’re dedicated to providing your pet with the best possible nutrition and care. With our expertise and high-quality raw dog food products, your pet is in safe hands!

Note: For more information on raw dog food and other pet care products, explore our range at Pats Pet Store.

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